greenwich mean time kya ha - TS HISTORICAL
GMT On this day in the year 1884, it was concluded that Greenwich Mean Time would be the standard season of the world. Greinich is a piece of South East London. It is as yet utilized as a kind of perspective to know the ideal time in various nations everywhere on the world. For instance, to know the Indian Standard Time for example India, one needs to add 5 and a half hours to the Green Mean Time. From this we realize that the hour of London is five and a half hours behind the hour of Indian urban communities. GREENWICH MEAN TIME MEANINIG Time on the planet is estimated based on Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Greenwich Mean Time, or normal time, is the time taken for the Earth to pivot on its hub in 24 hours. The town of Greenwich, based on which the establishment of Greenwich time is laid, is situated in the Earth time map in England.